JC WebStudio's Realizations

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Opis realizacji – Sklep internetowy Szkółki Krzewów Ozdobnych „Zymon”

During the development of a comprehensive project by JC WebStudio related to the creation of a website and store for Zymon Ornamental Shrub Nursery, we introduced innovative solutions, resulting in a professional and easy-to-use website for both the owner and his customers. We present the key elements that made it possible to achieve a satisfactory result for the client:

1. Custom graphic design

Based on the well-established and very well-recognized image of Zymon Nursery, we have prepared a modern design of the website, allowing to fully expose the rich offer of the Ornamental Shrub Nursery.

2 Using CMS WordPress: Flexibility in Content Management

The project was efficiently implemented using the WordPress content management system extended with the WooCommerce plugin responsible for handling store orders. The store was extended with the ability to handle Newsletter, we also added an expanded product search engine. We also added the ability to create a list of favorite products, which guarantees not only easy operation of the site, but also allows flexible content customization and instant updates to the site.

3. Simplicity and Aesthetics of the Service: Easy buying

The primary function of the site is to sell plants offered by the Ornamental Shrub Nursery. At the same time, the service is an online business card of the nursery.

4. Customization of the project to meet individual customer needs.
5. Install and configure Google Analytics and Google Search Console tools

Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu możliwe jest dokładne badanie ruchu i statystyk, umożliwiające administratorowi strony podejmowanie decyzji w celu efektywny rozwój oraz dynamicznej adaptacji do zmieniających się potrzeb klientów.

Scope of work performed:
  • Implementation of the website based on CMS WordPress,
  • WooCommerce-based store maintenance,
  • Preparation of a complete webpage,
  • Installing a blog,
  • Integration of a newsletter plugin,
  • Enhanced search engine,
  • WishList integration,
  • Modification of the product archive display function,
  • Integration of plug-ins responsible for payments,
  • Integration of the plug-in responsible for handling shipments,
  • Full store configuration,
  • Full translation and localization of the store in English,
  • Integration of an inventory plugin,
  • A 100% responsive website,
  • A custom graphic design based on Kadence WP,
  • Google Analytics Statistics,
  • Google Search Console Tools.
Technologies used:
CMS WordPress
CMS WordPress
CSS v. 3